The Meaning in Ephemera

I’ll be renovating my condo later this summer. In preparation, I’m packing up books, plates in my grandmother’s china cabinet, and whatever other items are currently occupying space. I was happy to get rid of a desk and chair I no longer use. At a recent musical theatre singalong event, I was thrilled to passContinue reading “The Meaning in Ephemera”

The House Where I Grew Up

I recently returned to the neighbourhood and the house where I grew up on the West Island of Montreal. It was definitely a “bucket list” item. My brother asked me what it was like to be on the road where we lived. Everything seemed tighter. more closed in, with far more foliage on the treesContinue reading “The House Where I Grew Up”

No Limits to Style

The quips never stop in Paul Rudnick’s Farrell Covington and The Limits of Style. It’s buoyant and comic and bounces along, while genuinely moving the reader with a heartrending love story immersed in gay life from the 70’s to the present. Rudnick’s life as playwright and screenwriter informs the whole thing with authority and wit.Continue reading “No Limits to Style”

Sonorous/Confident Sentences

A name that came up in book reviews, interviews with writers (favourite or current reads) was short story writer George Saunders. Anyone who receives the kind of glowing book jacket recommendations as he does from the likes of Dave Eggers, Zadie Smith, Jonathan Franzen and Thomas Pynchon, and is compared to Mark Twain gets myContinue reading “Sonorous/Confident Sentences”

If Youth Knew and Age Could

A beautiful Palm Sunday morning. Bright blue dome of a sky. Crisp. Grateful to be able to stand on my own two feet, coffee in hand, and take it all in. Small mercies. In a previous post, I made the observation that physical pain, or at least irritation, occurs more often now when I touchContinue reading “If Youth Knew and Age Could”