Day 6- An Epiphany

I’m not going to list today’s activities while in quarantine, as I did the past few days. They weren’t that different. It was nice to have a brief bit of socially safe live interaction with neighbours and friends. An epiphany- while stressing over how to accomplish online teaching/learning as we return to school (virtually), IContinue reading “Day 6- An Epiphany”

Day 5- Another Day unlike All Days

Let’s begin with a list poem: My condo / apartment my refuge my classroom my sanctuary my prison like Anne Frank must have felt…. So glad mum and dad are not around for this. (The list is not finished….) ******************************************* Highlights of the day: Slept in (since I no longer have to travel to work).Continue reading “Day 5- Another Day unlike All Days”

Day 3- Another Day Unlike All Days

Started the day with coffee on the balcony. Chatted safely about it all with a neighbour on a distant balcony. (More distant than in the photo.) Got to know each other better, after years of being in the same building. It was nice. Breakfast. Course planning. Still not sure how to maximize online learning forContinue reading “Day 3- Another Day Unlike All Days”

Toronto Someday But It’s New York Now

A guy on the subway with head and arms tucked, hidden inside his t-shirt. A canned drink vending machine in its very own shelter at the bus stop. Corner stops for recharging your phone. The number of people who don’t acknowledge my polite (Canadian) “excuse me… please and thank you” utterances. Actively bullying to claimContinue reading “Toronto Someday But It’s New York Now”